Thursday, April 12, 2012

Look Who's Singing!!

What a special treat to find this video of someone we all know VERY well, wowing the crowd in a different way!

When I Look In Your Eyes from VOENA on Vimeo.

"La Bella" Annabelle!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

VOENA Members are TV Stars!

Napa Valley TV's Newsletter recently featured two of VOENA's most lively and creative members: Sofia Pastram and Maija Starr!

"Slapdash," a sketch comedy show made by teens for teens, debuts this month on Napa Valley TV station 28 - don't miss it! For more info go to

Sofia, who has been with VOENA since she was an infant(okay, not quite!) and Maija, who has been a fantastic addition, developed a hilarious TV show called "Slapdash!" Here is the NVTV Newsletter's review and interview with them: